ezTask.io Privacy Policy

Privacy policy of ezTask.io


Defining a clear and understandable Privacy Policy is not an easy task. The more intricate the details, the more complex and challenging they are to understand. Your privacy is important to us. We want to provide the easiest way for you to understand the information we collect on you, what we do with it so you can define the level of privacy you want.

There are two cases for this privacy policy as you can be a simple visitor of our website, ezTask.io but you can also be a user or have been a user of our application.

Visitors to our website

If you are a visitor to our website, we use google analytics to keep track of visitors.

User of ezTask.io

If you are or were a user of no ezTak.io, we are collecting all the previously mentioned info, but also have collected some additional information such as:

  • The name of your company, your first name, last name, email address, as well as an encrypted version of your password. This information is mandatory to create and manage your account.
  • We might eventually also store your phone number or some additional info you gave us.
  • We do not give or sell any of this information to third parties. If we promote third party services, we will do so in our name.

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