Lead Scoring System

Talk to your promising leads and close more deals using ezTask.io's Lead Scoring.


Identify and target sales-ready leads

Your business may receive hundreds of leads. Imagine if your sales reps went through each lead simply based on intuition or in the order assigned. Without being able to spot hot leads from the cold leads, time and energy are lost, and viable opportunities are overlooked because leads weren’t prioritized. A lead scoring model solves the problem of effectively prioritizing sales leads.

What is lead scoring?

Lead scoring is the practice of ranking leads based on their engagement with your business. By assigning scores to leads, you’re able to easily differentiate qualified and unqualified leads. This allows your sales reps to invest their valuable time in pursuing the right sales leads for your business.

Because your resources are extremely valuable, maximize sales opportunities by focusing on the hottest leads first with the help of a lead scoring tool.

Although there are standalone lead scoring tools, one that’s built into your Sales CRM software is highly beneficial for your sales team.

ezTask.io is a CRM software with built-in lead scoring that ranks your sales leads using explicit and implicit lead data. It allows you to customize lead scoring rules to help your sales reps identify and target new leads for your business, ensuring they focus on the best ones.

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