Lead Management Software

Convert more leads into revenue with an efficient lead management software.


Manage leads efficiently with a powerful lead management software

Every business, big or small, depends on leads. For businesses to grow, you have to convert leads to loyal customers. And to do that right, you need to get complete visibility into sales and marketing leads in an organized manner. In this page, learn everything you need to know about lead management and how a lead management software can help convert leads into customers.

The Lead Management Process

Lead management is the process of capturing leads, tracking all touchpoints with your business like email, chat, or website behavior, and qualifying and engaging them until they purchase your product.

A successful and efficient lead management process includes the following five steps.

Step 1: Lead capturing

During the lead generation activities, there are various means to reach potential buyers, such as email, website, social media, webinars, and paid ads. A good lead management software ensures that every lead is automatically fed into the CRM system from web forms, emails, and chat, preventing prospects from falling through the cracks.

Step 2: Lead enrichment & tracking

Be it sales or marketing operations; your teams shouldn't be wasting time hunting for information on each lead or manual data entry.

A software with lead management functionality automatically populates a lead's profile with publicly available information such as their job title, location, timezone, company name, and social media profiles. It can track a lead's activities on your website—pages visited, links clicked, resources downloaded—and email engagement.

These valuable insights allow salespeople to understand their intent and personalize sales efforts. It gives your marketing team the much-needed context to craft email campaigns.

Step 3: Lead qualification

One way to effectively qualify leads is through a contact scoring model—a model that ranks your contacts based on their interest in your product or service, demographic information, buying journey, and engagement with your company.

The predictive scoring model helps you prioritize contacts you interact with by going through historical data and assigning a score to every contact based on factors like job title, website behavior, and engagement with your company.

Your team can easily identify the right leads and invest their time in making a sale. A lead management software with AI-powered contact scoring capabilities will be highly cost-effective and beneficial for your sales and marketing teams.

Step 4: Lead distribution

The sooner your sales reps contact leads, the more likely they are to win them over. Manually assigning a high volume of leads to the right sales reps can be time-consuming and delay lead response time.

A sound lead management system automatically assigns leads to salespeople across territories on a round-robin basis, assigns phone numbers to territories, and transfers calls to sales teams.

This way, your sales team can prioritize assigned leads instead of manually searching for new leads in the CRM system. With lead management software, you can also generate reports to identify the territories that bring in the most profit, sales reps who are meeting targets, and potential sales areas to improve.

Step 5: Lead nurturing

Not all your leads are sales-ready. Many of them could still be in the research or awareness phase, trying to figure if your service would solve their pain points. Lead nurturing seeks to educate and demonstrate the value of your product/service. With a lead management software in place, you can send nurture campaigns to these leads—who are not quite ready yet to make a purchase. This is where you educate and demonstrate value through content and promotional offers thereby helping them in their decision-making process.

With a robust lead management software, you can keep track of leads and reduce leaks

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